3 Reasons We All Should Love Back-To-School

I love Back-To-School time, and not just because my sons sometimes drive me buggy during the summer months. Whether in school or not, this time of year always feels like an opportunity to start fresh, get back to a new and improved routine, find all sorts of cool gadgets in the stores, and learn something new. It’s like New Year’s without the snow, winter misery or credit card bills. So use Back-to-School time as an opportunity to embrace new ideas and gadgets, and improve yourself and broaden your mind, not because you have to but because the world is full of new things to learn every day.

Start fresh, get back to a routine:

I love the lazy days of summer, but as a mother of three busy boys, a small business owner and recovering insomniac, I recognize that a routine is vitally important to everyone’s well-being.  We all benefit from having a Routine, a reasonable yet necessary set of tasks and expectations for certain times of each day.  August brings regular bed- and wake-up times, routine chore completion and basic hygiene without nagging, regular office hours for my clients and regular sleep patterns for all.  Sit down with family members and think about what needs to happen before leaving the house every morning or going to bed every night, and incorporate those tasks into your morning or bed-time routine now.

Cool new stuff and gadgets:

Book lights for in-bed reading; post-it notes for every imaginable application; 5-subject notebooks to keep track of your lists for all your projects in one central location; a new Websters Dictionary because it is a good thing to have (and yes, Ginormous is now a real word); comfy new ergonomic back packs or messenger bags for toting your stuff; colored index cards for anything you can think of (like making checklists and laminating them or assigning household tasks by person or room):  the stores are bursting with problem-solving gadgets and back-to-school stuff.  My all time favorite tool is a dry erase marker – Leave messages for family members on the bathroom mirror, whether “Pick up the kids at soccer practice” or “Comb your hair!”.  Wipes right off, and the kids use it, too!

Learn something new:

Education is important.  Learning new things keeps us sharp.  Knowledge is power.

There are so many wondrous things in the world, and now is a great time to commit to learning something new. Two goals for me for the Fall are learning how to knit and how to meditate (though certainly not at the same time), plus 5 books recommended to me by people I respect.  Goals are only dreams until you put them into action, though, so to make my goals happen, I have found out when a local knitting shop has drop-in lessons, and I’ve tracked down a book that offers a 30 day approach to learning to meditate and one of the recommended books.  The ideas are limitless, and you don’t have to sign up for a class – your local library and the Internet have information on everything under the sun (and I know a really nice organizer who offers classes all over the South Side if you want to learn about organizing!). So pick a topic and get to work!

Embrace Back-To-School time whether you are going back or not.  Determine the 5 or 10 simple tasks you need to do morning and evening to make your life run smoothly, and make those tasks Routine by doing them every day.  Check the stores and on-line for problem-solving devices.  And get out there and learn something new!

4 thoughts on “3 Reasons We All Should Love Back-To-School

  1. Maria says:

    Love the “basic hygiene” without nagging, always one of my top 3! A list of recommened books by you and your readers would be interesting; I have a couple good ones
    I read over the summer. Also, a friend of mine and her chiropracter husband have meditation class on the third Thursday of every month in their Palos Hills office,it’s called Palos Chiropractic on Roberts Road.

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